viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

comparative two cities

Berlin and Rome

With the globalization and grow of the principals cities around the world, many cities increase their population and their economies due to technological develop or citizen`s culture. Europe has many different cultures and important cities in its territory.
One example of an important city is Berlin; Berlin is the capital of Germany, it has a population of 3, 4 millions of people, Berlin is close to a two lakes and has many cultural attractions to public. Berlin was denominated as the “creativity city” because of all the important cultural products that produces, it surface is 892 km2.
On the other hand Rome is the capital of Italy, has many important cultural attractions too, but is recognized specifically for art of the renaissance because Italy was cot of this artistic age. The weather of Rome is different from Berlin’s weather because Rome is in the Mediterranean zone; this aspect and drafts makes Italy into a perfect place to wine production.
Rome surface is bigger than Berlin surface, this fact produce that Rome population is big than in Berlin’s population.
The art of the renaissance impregnate the architecture of Rome, their buildings give the city and aspect of historicity, on the contrary, Berlin has a different architecture, with a modern style.
However Rome and Berlin are the most populated cities of their respective countries, this fact makes that this two cities are important pillars of economy, culture and technology of Europe, supporting decisions and political aspects in the European Union.
In conclusion Rome and Berlin has very similar structures of develop, population and size, but also these countries has many historical, cultural and artistic elements that produced a very different organization in each country.

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