viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

My role model

The person who I admire is my mom ( Gloria Stela Bello ). I admire her cause I think she is a Enterprising and responsible woman. She is so honorable. I think She is the best mom in the world because she has been in all my life facts without to think there are good or bad.
She has a many archievments in her laboral life , She works in a construction company and she is one of he best manager in the bussiness refered to her personal life She is calm and patient. her most important goals are to travel Aruba and China. She is a woman with goals so dear, She also like practice yoga and to study French. I think my mother is an admirable woman as a person as a professional because She has done many of her goals because I admire her. I love my mom.

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