viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

comparative two cities

Berlin and Rome

With the globalization and grow of the principals cities around the world, many cities increase their population and their economies due to technological develop or citizen`s culture. Europe has many different cultures and important cities in its territory.
One example of an important city is Berlin; Berlin is the capital of Germany, it has a population of 3, 4 millions of people, Berlin is close to a two lakes and has many cultural attractions to public. Berlin was denominated as the “creativity city” because of all the important cultural products that produces, it surface is 892 km2.
On the other hand Rome is the capital of Italy, has many important cultural attractions too, but is recognized specifically for art of the renaissance because Italy was cot of this artistic age. The weather of Rome is different from Berlin’s weather because Rome is in the Mediterranean zone; this aspect and drafts makes Italy into a perfect place to wine production.
Rome surface is bigger than Berlin surface, this fact produce that Rome population is big than in Berlin’s population.
The art of the renaissance impregnate the architecture of Rome, their buildings give the city and aspect of historicity, on the contrary, Berlin has a different architecture, with a modern style.
However Rome and Berlin are the most populated cities of their respective countries, this fact makes that this two cities are important pillars of economy, culture and technology of Europe, supporting decisions and political aspects in the European Union.
In conclusion Rome and Berlin has very similar structures of develop, population and size, but also these countries has many historical, cultural and artistic elements that produced a very different organization in each country.

My goals

In my life I have so many goals I have to catch but I have goals I have done too. First I speak about goals I feel prooud to because They have done better person. My goals has been to graduate from school , I win the soccer Championship and to travel to different places and to go to the University.
In second place there are goals for the future. There are in two places the profesional and personal. In the profesional I think to finish the University with two carrees and to have a comfortable job in which I coald be my own chief and travel to many places. In the personal i want to be a calm person, be similar to my mom in the personal aspects.
With this goals I want to become a better person than today.

My role model

The person who I admire is my mom ( Gloria Stela Bello ). I admire her cause I think she is a Enterprising and responsible woman. She is so honorable. I think She is the best mom in the world because she has been in all my life facts without to think there are good or bad.
She has a many archievments in her laboral life , She works in a construction company and she is one of he best manager in the bussiness refered to her personal life She is calm and patient. her most important goals are to travel Aruba and China. She is a woman with goals so dear, She also like practice yoga and to study French. I think my mother is an admirable woman as a person as a professional because She has done many of her goals because I admire her. I love my mom.

the description

She is studying at Sabana´s University. She studies first semestre of Enterprises Administration. She is tall and thin ; She has blonde hair. She is the tallest of the women in the class and she also is one of the more beatiful girls in the class. She is the hoppiest women in the class. She is wind and a good pal and also she is very intelligent for English.

viernes, 3 de septiembre de 2010

My anecdote.

This is a very funny anecdote:

Two years ago I went to a party in bogota with my friends,When we enter to a bar we can saw  a lot of people butwe get a table. I danced with my best friend and she told me she was very sad because he had finished with her boyfriend.

One hour after the boyfriend of my best friend came to our table and at that moment he hit me and I was angry and try to defend myself but my best friend didn´t leave to fight. The party continued  When the party finished he hit me again and the people who stayed near to me called the police before the police arrived I hit my friend's boyfriend. when the police arrived I started to run with two friends and we arrive to a friend´s house then while everything was calm.
Next day I called my best friend and ask her that had happened and she told me that  her ex-boyfriend was on the jail for two days . I return to my home and  I told the story  to my mom and she was angry with me.

After 3 months  the ex-boyfriend of my friend and he said me : excuse me it was  a mistake and  he was drunk that night.

jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

My memorable metting

When I went to cali 3 years ago, I was very excited because I met a famous person Maria Fernanda Yepez.
When I met to Maria Fernanda Yepez I thought that Maria Fernanda Yepez is a very humble person.
My first impression when I met to Maria fernanda as very well because she is a person who cares about the needs of others and I thought all celebrities haven´t a social responsibility but Maria Fernanda is a great person because she always thought that the world needs.
Finally I can say that the experience to met to Maria Fernanda is  very interesting and I learned many things about Maria´s life and  his point of view of the life is wonderful.

My firs time

Last holiday, I went to Cartagena, with my family but I was bored because they always doing boring activities.When I was in Cartagena, I met many interesting people and I visited the historical sites of Cartagena Castillo de San Felipe and the historical center. However, My family enjoyed the trip because of  weather was wonderful. During the trip I learned a lot of about sea animals and I think that this trip was  nice for my family because we were together as a family

On the trip we met a lot of things but I the most thing that I liked was the castle of San Felipe because it is a castle with a very nice story. Actually I think that Cartagena is a beautiful city but you should go to people with your same edge for enjoyed more the trip but the trip was a very nice experience in my life.